Portraits: Rachel Xu

Name: Rachel Alexis Xu
Professions: Social Media Director / Founder of The Flower Library
Place: Home


A familiar face at Aa, Rachel and her partner have been visiting since the get-go. A duo with a great eye for details, they are also great conversationalist and have become individuals that we love to have come around. We visited Rachel and her partner’s home to discuss more on a long overdue project. 

Rachel is a perpetually curious creative who seamlessly blends the worlds of advertising and artisanal craftsmanship. Known for meticulous time management and an affinity for inspiring objects and good company, Rachel believes in the power of perseverance over innate talent. With a background in advertising that began with a summer internship, she thrives on generating innovative ideas and has successfully founded The Flower Library (TFL), a weekend venture that started from a Valentine’s Day bet and blossomed into a celebrated boutique for unique floral arrangements and decor.

Inspired by people, experiences, places, and thoughtful reflection, Rachel is currently working on rebranding TFL and planning a mid-life sabbatical. Embracing a life of gratitude and continuous learning, particularly in the realm of Chinese history, She is drawn to the interplay of food, art, culture, and nature while traveling. Creativity, for Rachel, is the courage to bridge thought with action, a principle reflected in every carefully crafted project.

There's no better way to reintroduce our workshop program, After School Specials. Stay tuned for more details on our upcoming workshop hosted by The Flower Library.

Event Details:

After School Specials.
Hosted by The Flower Library.
Theme: Making Space For Nature: Flower Arranging At Home.
Date: 31 August 2024, Saturday
Time: 11AM — 2PM
Venue: Aa Showroom
Address: 10C Jalan Ampas 07-01, Ho Seng Lee Flatted Warehouse Singapore 329513

Register here.


All images captured by Ryan Loh.

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