Fall shipment

This shipment brings the much anticipated Akari light sculptures pre orders along with an array of other objects. We managed to source a great deal of Ikebana vases for both the enthusiast as well as the avid gardener. As usual, Tendo Mokko pieces are always a staple with each shipment and this is no different. We are also excited to be finding more desk and pendant lighting in store. 

Visit the showroom and explore what we have to offer.

Monday — Closed
Tuesday — Closed
Wednesday — 3pm to 7pm
Thursday — 3pm to 7pm
Friday — 3pm to 7pm
Weekends — 2pm to 7pm

Video by Samuel Foo.
Music by Samuel Foo.
  1. Nature Speaks, But Do We Listen?

    Predictions shift, the cycle repeats. Recent headlines speculate on the fluctuating probability of an asteroid colliding with Earth in 2032, each n...
  2. Spirit of Place

    Scent is one of the most powerful triggers of memory, capable of transporting us to a distant time and place with just a single whiff. More than an...
  3. A history of Onigawara: Japan’s Guardian Demon Tiles

    While traveling across Japan, we couldn’t help but notice the striking onigawara tiles adorning rooftops everywhere. Their fierce, glaring express...