After School Specials.

We are essentially a retail business but our focus has always been to enable you with the knowledge and insights into how you can create the space of your dreams through spatial planning, tangible objects and light but more importantly the sharing of knowledge.

Paired with our love for hosting, we have spent the last few months planning a permanent space within our showroom dedicated to learning. A comfortable space with natural light that will hold up to 10 guests comfortably, a classroom within a home.

For our first "After School Specials" series, hosted by Bryan Kang of Pudica, we will be focusing on terrariums. Join us to learn the basics of miniature ecosystems, maintenance as well as the making of your very own terrarium. Each lesson will include bakes and beverage provided by our talented partners. 

What you should expect to take away from each workshop.
- Introduction to miniature ecosystems. 
- Basic plant care.
- Suitable Terrarium plants.
- Maintenance and upkeep.
- Your very own crafted Ø19 x H43 cm terrarium.

Workshop details:

Price: $150 per person.
Date: 29 April 2023, Saturday OR 30 April 2023, Sunday.
Time: 10:00 ~ 13:00.
Venue: Aa Showroom.
Address: 10C Jalan Ampas 07-01, Ho Seng Lee Flatted Warehouse Singapore 329513.

Sign up here!

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