Tactile experience of a book

With the recent closure of Book Depository, one might think that print is dying but I doubt that we will ever stop collecting books. Whether it is a coffee table or a novel, reading a book by flipping its pages will always be my preferred choice. The tactile experience in itself is important, similar to physically visiting a brick and mortar or an art installation. On the other hand, having my kindle on flights does make packing so much simpler so it isn't a question of advancement but of convenience. 

These are some books that will be available in store soon for your browsing.

  1. Akita Mokko No. 202

    A timeless example of Japanese product design, the No. 202 Stacking Stool by Isamu Kenmochi and Hideyuki Fujitake has been a household staple sinc...
  2. Instant Pleasure 101

    This program explores the idea that anyone—no matter their experience level—can be a chef. The word "chef" often comes with certain expectations—k...
  3. Geoffrey Chaucer got it wrong.

    The first known link between Valentine’s Day and romantic love dates back to 1382, in Chaucer’s poem The Parlement of Foules, which was inspired b...